Tuesday, April 4, 2017


I recently started a take in the car hand piecing project.  This is my first try at hand piecing.  I decided to do tumbling blocks, using Quilt Patis for templates for English Paper Piecing. I first heard about Quilt Patis from Jessica at Life Under Quilts.  I ordered the 2" diamond Patis, and started cutting out light, medium and dark 60° diamonds.  I used my Accuquilt to cut 2 1/2" strips, then cut the diamonds using the same die.  I decided I wanted to do each block the same color, such as light, medium and dark blue.  I used Google Images to look at quilt pictures and discovered several variations of the tumbling block pattern.  Some use light, medium and dark of a variety of colors and rely on only the value to create the pattern.  Some are made of only 3 colors for the entire quilt, such as red, white and blue.  I actually didn't find many examples of the pattern I envisioned.  I started grouping my diamonds into sets, and discovered I will need a lot more light fabrics to complete this project.  Oh good, I love it when I find an excuse to fabric shop!  I basted a bunch of diamonds, following the instructions that came with the Patis, and also from watching Life in Quilts' video.  I couldn't find the link on her website, but here is her video on Youtube,  I've had a hard time finding much good instruction for Tumbling Blocks using EPP, but was able to use the techniques seen in the video and translate them from her stars to my blocks.  It is just a change in color placement, not in the basic technique she shows.  

Here are the Quilt Patis -

I chose to use them because they are reusable and I didn't trust my accuracy on making my own.  
Here is a basted diamond -
I start out sewing 3 together, paying close attention to the color placement. 

 Then add two more -
(These are not sewn, just shown as an example.)  At this point, you can take out the Quilt Pati in the center, since all four edges are now secure.  This allows you to fold your project, which is required on some seams. The straight edge on the left is then sewn to the main body of the quilt, or the 'mother ship' as Bonnie Hunter calls it.  At this point I have been adding the light diamond at the top, which allows you to remove 2 more Patis.  

Here is what I have accomplished so far -

Here is part of the back, if you look closely you can see where I have removed the Patis in the center-

I have had a little trouble with my stitches showing on the front, and my points not meeting perfectly.  Seems like most of the tutorials I have seen have slid past this part of the process, just saying to whip stitch them together.  The most helpful I have found so far is Jenny Doan and Sue Daley on the Missouri Star videos. I am getting better, but think I may need to get a different needle to improve.

 I have been working on this when I've been out and about and have gotten several questions on how big it will be when complete.  I've been telling people I'm making a doll quilt.  If I'm still having fun, it will be a wall hanging.  If it's still fun, a baby quilt, and so on..........  Who knows where it might end.

Today I was reading Lee Anna's blog Not Afraid of Color, and discovered she is also doing this project!  Check out her blog for this, and many other beautiful quilts.

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times.   Edited to add: I posted this last Tuesday, late.  Tuesday evening, Judy lost several of her recent posts, including last weeks Design Wall Monday.  So I am posting again on this weeks edition Design Wall Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's so funny about the size. That's how my first hexie project, the one on my header that's now kingsized??? got so big! I liked doing it!LeeAnna
