Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mystery Solved

This is a picture of a quilt that was made by one of my sweetie's relatives.  Unfortunately, he doesn't know who.  Possibly an aunt or his grandmother. (For you quilters out there, this is why we label our quilts.) I have wondered what the pattern is called.

Here's a view from another angle.  The blocks all are scrappy, but the center of each set of three diamonds is either red, deep pink or red and black fabric. 

Here's a close up of one block.  Judging by some of the fabrics, such as the blue, green and black piece in the lower left, my fairly uneducated guess is that this was made in the 1950's. 

I've been thinking of doing a tumbling blocks quilt, and while researching those, I came upon a picture of this block.  It's called Flying Swallows, or Swallow in a Star.  Most of those I saw had all of the diamonds the same color, and they do look something like a swallow.  I don't know if this pattern has a different name when it is scrappy. 
I love the scrappy look, and love the way that quilters "make do".  If you don't have the exact color, use something close.  You may be able to see that the green background is two shades of green.  

I'm sharing this on Colorado Lady's Vintage Thingie Thursday.  Enjoy!


P.S.  Can someone explain how I add the Vintage Thingie Thursday button to my post?


  1. That is a beautiful quilt! It reminds me of one that I slept under as a child. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am not sure of the name of your quilt. All, I can say you definitely have a vintage treasure. Love it. There are plenty of bloggers out there that know so much about the functions of a blog. I am not one of them. What I do is trial and error. Mostly error. It is not hard, its just I cannot explain it.

  3. This is beautiful!!!!! ( How did I miss this last week? ) that is a fantastic star pattern... I don't know the name of the block, but it would have been tricky to make. You have a real treasure there!
